Introducing… DLOW

Today’s blog will be following on from how artists can benefit from apps like TikTok. I’ll be discussing Chicago dance legend and platinum recording artist DLOW and how he has used these platforms to his utmost advantage. 

But firstly, who is DLOW? 

Recording artist and dancer DLOW shot to fame at age 17 when he uploaded a dance challenge ‘DLOW Shuffle’, to this day the upload has accumulated over 33 million views. Since then DLOW’s fan base has been ever growing, his 2015 release ‘Do it Like Me Challenge’, has gained over 116 MILLION views on YouTube and has now been awarded as RIAA Platinum. Not a bad thing to have on your CV.

How rare is it to find an artist who is genuinely and naturally talented at songwriting, recording and dancing? You’re in for a treat.

‘Determined, Loyal, Optimistic and Willing to Learn’

Truthfully, his style of writing isn’t a personal preference of mine but I can without doubt appreciate the attraction to his extremely energetic and charismatic personality that bursts through his music and accompanied music videos. Not only does DLOW have the moves, he has the infectious personality to match. It’s not often you see artist’s being truly individual nowadays but from what I can tell (I hope I’m right), DLOW knows who he is and loves it! 

His creativity doesn’t stop at his choreography, lyrics and recording. Beautifully his name is the acronym ‘Determined, Loyal, Optimistic and Willing to Learn’. A constant display and reminder of his passion for what he does.

A born entertainer. 

Achieving a viral status online is becoming harder and harder as time goes on, as we all know the amount of traffic on social media is endless so knowing how to gain attention and slowly filter yourself through that traffic is vital for success. The umbrella of ‘Social Media’ apps is incredibly big and deciding which app is best for the individual artist is a difficult but crucial decision. More often than not it’s the artists who take a risk on new and developing apps like TikTok that benefit the most. 

DLOW has swiftly tapped into the niche (but growing) market of TikTok and Dubsmash users, the key is understanding these audiences and what genre of music they will respond to. I’ve seen a few artists posting ‘challenges’ for their fans over the past few months and so far, they seem to be gaining career momentum as a result. DLOW is a modern day artist who knows who his audience is and where to find them; plain and simple – interaction builds popularity! 

Retrospective to his quick rise to fame, DLOW has grasped many opportunities to gain noticeability with a lengthy list of appearances under his belt; including Good Morning America and Lollapalooza. Definitely signs of an artist who is doing everything he can to benefit his career and a team of people behind him with the same aspirations.

Learning from past success and using his talents to his advantage, DLOW has recently released ‘Issa Workout with DLOW’, the release equals as another dance challenge; who has what it takes? I’ll post some links below for you to check him out and see if you can master the moves. 

Official Website http://www.iAmDLOWmusic

Issa Workout with DLOW

Do It Like Me Challenge –

Like Whoa